Private Tastings & Events

We host regular tastings some of which are large open ones as well as smaller tutored ones. For more information on these please head to Tastings & Events


Alternatively, you may be interested in hosting your own wine tasting event, whether it be just as a fun evening for your friends or to raise funds for a charity, sports club or school PTA etc. 

We have a great deal of experience in running such tastings and would be pleased to have a chat and discuss the best plans for such an occasion.  Costs range upwards from £18 per head.  The minimum number of people is 20 and there is no maximum! 

Then all that is needed is a venue, which can be your home, so long as it is not a ticketed event, or a private room or hall, restaurant or hotel.  It may be necessary to get a Temporary Events Notice (license) but we will be able to advise on that.  We will then provide all the wines, glasses, spittoons and full tasting notes and of course our time and expertise regarding the wines being tasted!



Please contact Lindsay by phone on 01926 490970 or email us ( to discuss your specific requirements.